Breathwork for Resilience and Self-Support

Event details

One-off workshop

Reach out for interpersonal support, insight and change. Reach in to develop resilience, self- support and grounding. These sessions will teach you a variety of ancient breath techniques which can help you calm, focus and soothe yourself. This roll-on, roll-off group will not involve discussing your issues, but aims to provide you with ways of accessing a calm inner landscape. With committed practice, this may then become a reliable internal space you can visit more easily and more often, thereby building resilience & autonomy, and improving decision-making.

This event is for both staff and students
  • Mon 24 Jun 2024, 13:00 - 14:00

    Wellbeing Rooms, 1.63, First Floor, Large Group Room, Simon Building
    Hosted by Counselling and Mental Health Service