Training for Staff

Online Training modules

The University operates within a 'Stepped Care Framework', a model which helps staff to match students' needs to the appropriate level of support. All staff should be familiar with this model. We ask you to complete the 'Stepped Care Model' module as a first step. It is also important to familiarise yourself with the support services within the Division of Campus Life, including The Counselling and Mental Health Service, Advice and Response and The Disability and Advisory Service.

As face-to-face sessions build on the content covered in the online modules, the Counselling and Mental Health Service asks you to also complete the online training modules below.

Supporting Students: This training is aimed at supporting students' wellbeing and focuses on that initial point of contact with a student in a range of scenarios. It is aimed at staff who encounter students day to day and who may need to take on a supportive role.

University student suicide awareness training ( This is a 20 minute session which aims to help you better understand suicidal behaviours so you can feel confident to 'See the signs, Say the Words and Signpost to Support'. Please complete this ahead of attending the Suicide Prevention Workshop.

Training for PGR Supervisors

We offer two online modules focused on supporting Post-Graduate Research students.

Supporting PGR Mental Health and Wellbeing for PGR Supervisors provides an overview of mental health in the context of postgraduate research. The course offers supervisors guidance on how they can identify, respond to and support postgraduate researchers in distress.

Case Studies for PGR Supervision in the Context of Mental Health Difficulties explores the process of supervision of postgraduate researchers when supervisees are having difficulties.

Face-to-Face sessions

The Counselling & Mental Health Service runs workshop aimed at staff in support/welfare or pastoral roles. Please see the Training Catalogue for further details and dates. We ask you to attended Student Mental Health Matters before attending workshops 2 and 3. Please see the Training Catalogue for dates and to sign up.

Workshop 1: Student Mental Health Matters: understanding students mental health, knowing what to say and knowing what to do. Sign up via the Training Catalogue.

Workshop 2: Suicide Prevention Workshop: explores myths/facts, challenges, and supports you in confidently responding to someone at risk of suicide, as well as exploring escalation pathways. Sign up via the Training Catalogue.

Workshop 3: Supporting Students in Distress and Looking After Ourselves: Aims to support you to understand distress and respond helpfully. There is focus on how we might be impacted by supporting others and how can support ourselves. Sign up via the Training Catalogue.

Content Warning: Please note that our face-to-sessions cover difficult subjects. Research suggests that it is important to have open and frank discussions about mental health and this will include the subject of serious mental distress and suicidal thoughts. Staff facilitating the sessions will approach this with sensitivity. However, we want you to be aware that these subjects will be covered before you book a session.