Managing Anxiety 3: Behaviour

Event details

Drop in

There is no need to book this session, however, if numbers have reached capacity, priority will be given to those who have signed up. Please expect to sign the register when you attend this session.

One-off workshop

Managing Anxiety 3 : Behaviour

Aim and objectives:

To understand the role of uncertainty in anxiety and how to manage this

To develop insight into how we can get stuck in cycles of fear and the role of avoidance in maintaining this

To learn how to use Graded Exposure Therapy to overcome our fears in a ways that feels manageable for us

This event is for students only
  • Tue 10 Oct 2023, 12:00 - 13:30

    Wellbeing Rooms, First Floor, 1.63 Large Group Room, Simon Building
    Hosted by Counselling and Mental Health Service
    One off workshop