The Postgraduate Experience

We recognise that, while postgraduate researchers (PGRs) are not immune from the many issues that can affect all students or staff members, PGRs are unique in their experience of university and life more generally. Completing a research degree is different to any kind of study or any employment you will have undertaken previously, and it brings unique challenges as well as opportunities.

While our service is just as relevant to PGRs as it is to other university members, we appreciate the unique nature of the issues likely to be brought to us by PGRs. The support we offer takes into account your distinct experience as a researcher. We also recognsie that you may be an international student with particular pressures that come from working away from your home and family. We value diversity and are here to help, whether you are struggling to settle in or you are experiencing discrimination of any kind.

We offer confidential individual appointments with counsellors, as well as other resources such as workshops and classes, health guides and online interactive self-help tools etc. Although our workshops are designed to be accessible to all university members, some cater specifically to PGRs.

The following apps are free to use and can be downloaded straight to your electronic device or accessed through the Counselling Service workshops page. Click on the headings for more information about what each app does, where to download/book, and how to use them.

Wellbeing apps

Feeling stuck? ‘Pin it or Bin it’ is designed to help you to move forward, by encouraging you to hold on to positive experiences and learning to let go of things that might be holding you back.